Worth every cent. we now have the most beutiful and distinctive bulb flower brand in Israel. making our competition jealous.

Flowers in a box
Flowers in a box - Package Design
Flowers in a box - Package Design
A family-owned but global flower bulb nursery with local and worldwide activities
For ASA Flowers
A family-owned but global flower bulb nursery with local and worldwide activities
rebrand their flower bulbs so they would stand out in highly colorful and vibrant garden centers across Israel
the most viral flower bulb stand and packages design in Israel
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Nine out of ten times, a flower bulb seed pack displays a vast field of flowers, making all the seed packs in a stand appear identical. We chose to defy this standard by imbuing each ASA flower bulb with unique personality traits based on their colors, while featuring a single large flower on each pack. This distinctive approach made our design stand out in the lively atmosphere of garden centers, attracting people to ASA stands and boosting sales.
Our branding efforts extended to flower bulb boxes, transcending the confines of garden centers and becoming available in coffee shops and supermarkets. These boxes turned into unique gifts exchanged among people.
ASA flower bulbs